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Excellence in Mining and Exploration

Nomination Forms


Indigenous Achievement

This award celebrates and recognizes NWT Indigenous leaders, organizations, or companies in the mining or mineral exploration sector who have demonstrated excellence in any of the following areas:


Best Practice

Capacity-building in their home community or region

Environmental and Social Responsibility

This award honours outstanding achievements in two areas:

Outstanding initiative, leadership, stewardship and accomplishment in protecting and preserving the natural environment.

Establishing good community relations during an exploration program or operation of a mine.

Nominations may be for an individual or organization.

Economic Leadership

This award highlights work which has made significant contributions to the NWT economy in mineral exploration or development recently, or historically. Eligible nominees may be:


Service Companies



This progress can be related to the development of a specific project or to the overall activities of the nominee.

Distinguished Service

This award recognizes an individual or organization who has achieved one or more of the following:

Made a substantial contribution to mineral exploration and mining development in the NWT over several years.


Made outstanding contributions to the NWT minerals industry in the fields of finance, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, research, or any other related activities.

Special Achievement

This award recognizes exceptional contributions to the NWT minerals industry, and this could include long-term contributions, cutting-edge innovations, brilliant leadership, or any other contributions deemed worthy of celebration.

Nominations may be for an individual or organization.

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